Developer/Payment Services/Wallet/Recruit Kantan Shiharai/Service Overview

Service Overview

Content of this page

Recruit Kantan Payment is the payment methods provided by Recruit. You can use the payment information registered in your Recruit ID to pay for Item, etc.

The following methods of payment are available for end users:

Credit card payments
How to pay with a pre-registered credit card
<Online convenience store payment>
How to pay at the convenience store selected during Payment
Available convenience stores: Seven-Eleven / FamilyMart / Lawson / Ministop /Daily Yamazaki/ Seicomart
※ Convenience stores that are not available for Review due to vetting cannot be used. Convenience stores that are not available for Review due to vetting cannot be used.
Paying with points
How to pay with your points
*Only the payment method designated by merchant at the time of implementation can be used. In addition, the payment method (including convenience store chains for WEB convenience store payments) cannot be changed after Payment completed.

For more information on Recruit Kantan Payment, please refer to the following site. URLs are subject to change.
〈Recruit Kantan Payment〉

Service Diagram

Main Features

  • You can easily shop with just your Recruit ID and password.
  • You can make payments using the credit card registered to your Recruit ID or your accumulated points.
  • You can earn points based on the amount you spend.

Please refer to the service website for details on the purchasing procedure.
For end-user usage information, please check the FAQ or the page of each financial institution.

The available billing systems and billing system-specific basic specifications are as follows. Each period of time for processing settlement, cancellation, and others performed by the payment administration tool is based on the tool.

Billing Methods

One-time charge
Recurring charge (simple)
Recurring charge (based on term or usage rate)

Basic Specifications

Billing methodFieldSpecifications
One-time chargeClose authorization settlementAutomated sales
Specified sales
Settlement confirmation deadline (Authorization deadline)Auto close authorization settlement: settlement is not necessary.
For designated Settlement: up to 30 days after Purchase request processing date※1
Period for cancellationAuto close authorization settlement: cancellation function not available.
In the case of designated Settlement: No cancellation deadline
Period for refundBy the last day of the next month including the capture processing date2
Re-Authorization deadlineUp to 30 days after the Authorization Purchase request processing date1
Convenience store payment deadlineThe date and time that merchant reports at the time of application, within 29 days from the day after Payment date3
Recurring charge (simple)Close authorization settlementAutomated sales
Specified sales×
Recurring billing processing (authorization)First month: Billing processing is performed by the Merchant.
Second month onward: Not necessary.
Date of settlement processSBPS automatically bills on the first day of each month.
Date of notification of billing processing not possibleReturned starting from the second day of each month in order.
Period for refundNot refundable.
* If refund is necessary, the Merchant shall handle it.
optionWhether the first month is charged or not and whether cancellation in the first month is billed or not can be selected as options.
Recurring charge (based on term or usage rate)Close authorization settlementAutomated sales×
Specified sales
Recurring billing processing (authorization)The billing processing is performed by the Merchant
* SBPS does not perform the billing processing.
Period for settlementPurchase request processing date, or in 30 days including the recurring billing (fixed term/pay-as-you-go) purchase request processing date1
Date of notification of billing processing not possibleNone
Period for cancellationPurchase request processing date, or by the last day of the next month of recurring billing (fixed term/pay-as-you-go) purchase request processing
Period for refundBy the last day of the next month including the capture processing date
Expiration date of the recurring billing from the date of last payment process24 months
※1: It is possible to extend the deadline up to 60 days by requesting it at the time of application. The deadline for re Authorization will be set to the period specified in the Settlement confirmation deadline (Authorization deadline).
※2: Online convenience store payments are non-Refund (however, points can Refund if points are used in combination). For details, please see 3. Notes on Refund for online convenience store payments.
※3: It is also possible to specify the payment deadline for each Payment. For details C002_Link Type please refer to Section 4 of the System Specifications (Purchase request).

The available devices are as follows.


The following functions are provided. As for the payment administration tool, only the main functions are listed. For details, see the Payment Administration Tool Manual.

Billing system/Close authorization settlementProvided functionsLink TypeAPI TypePayment management tool
One-time billing/Auto close authorization settlementPurchase
Partial Refund1
Multiple Refunds1
Deposit notification2
Overdue payment cancellation notification2
One-time billing/Specified close authorization capturePurchase
Partial Settlement1
Partial Refund1
Multiple Refunds1
Re-obtained authorization1
Deposit notification2
Overdue payment cancellation notification2
Recurring charge (simple)1Purchase
Cancellation of recurring billing (simplified)
Recurring billing (simplified) cancellation notification
Recurring charge (based on term or usage rate)※1Purchase
Partial Settlement
Partial Refund
Multiple Refunds
Recurring Billing (Fixed Term/Pay as You Go) Request
Recurring Billing (Fixed Term/Pay as You Go) Purchase
Recurring Billing (Fixed Term/Pay as You Go) Unsubscribing
※1: This function is only available for credit card payments.
※2: This function is only available for online convenience store payments.

<<Deposit notification function>>
This function is only available for WEB convenience store payment, and notifies merchant of the completion (Credit notification) after the end user has completed the payment at the convenience store. The notification timing after Credit at the store is as follows.
※ Even after Credit has been notified, the convenience store may cancel Credit. If this happens, you will be contacted by email from Recruit.

Convenience storeTiming of Credit notification
Seven-ElevenAfter a few minutes
FamilyMartAfter about 5 to 20 minutes
LAWSONAfter about 20 to 30 minutes
MINISTOPAfter about 20 to 30 minutes
Daily YamazakiAfter about 5 to 20 minutes
SeicomartA few minutes to an hour later

<<Overdue payment cancellation notification function>>
This function is only available for online convenience store payments, and notifies merchant of cancellation due to the expiration of the payment deadline (payment deadline expiration cancellation notice) for invoices that have passed the set payment deadline.
Batch processing will be performed once a day on business days and at times determined by SBPS and Recruit. In the event of a batch processing failure, investigation and response will begin from the opening time of the operating day.

When each of the provided functions is performed, the payment status changes as follows. For the method to perform each of the functions, see the Link Type System Specifications, API Type System Specifications, and Payment Administration Tool Manual.

《Credit card payment: One-time billing / Auto Close Authorization Capture》

Provided functionsLink Type
Process name/Function ID
API Type
Process name/Function ID
Payment management tool
Screen name/Button name
PurchasePurchase Request
RefundCancel/Refund Request
Billing Information Screen
Partial RefundCancel/Refund Request
Billing Information Screen
"Partial refund"
Multiple RefundsMultiple Refund requests
Billing Information Screen
"Multiple Refund"

《Credit card payment: One-time billing / Designated Settlement》

Provided functionsLink Type
Process name/Function ID
API Type
Process name/Function ID
Payment management tool
Screen name/Button name
PurchasePurchase Request
SettlementSales request
Billing Information Screen
Partial SettlementSales request
Billing Information Screen
"Partial Settlement"
CancellationCancel/Refund Request
Billing Information Screen
RefundCancel/Refund Request
Billing Information Screen
Partial RefundCancel/Refund Request
Billing Information Screen
"Partial refund"
Multiple RefundsMultiple Refund requests
Billing Information Screen
"Multiple Refund"
Re-obtained authorizationRe-obtained authorization request

《Credit card payment: Recurring billing (simplified)》

Provided functionsLink Type
Process name/Function ID
API Type
Process name/Function ID
Payment management tool
Screen name/Button name
PurchasePurchase Request
Cancellation of recurring billing (simplified)Purchase Request
Recurring charge (simple)
Cancellation request
Recurring charge (simple)
User Information Screen
Recurring billing (simplified) cancellation notificationPurchase Result CGI

《Credit card payment: Recurring billing(fixed term/pay-as-you-go)》

Provided functionsLink Type
Process name/Function ID
API Type
Process name/Function ID
Payment management tool
Screen name/Button name
PurchasePurchase Request
SettlementSales request
Billing Information Screen
Partial SettlementSales request
Billing Information Screen
CancellationCancel/Refund Request
Billing Information Screen
RefundCancel/Refund Request
Billing Information Screen
Partial RefundCancel/Refund Request
Billing Information Screen
"Partial refund"
Multiple RefundsMultiple Refund requests
Billing Information Screen
"Multiple Refund"
Recurring Billing (Fixed Term/Pay as You Go) RequestRecurring charge (based on term or usage rate)
Application Request
Recurring Billing (Fixed Term/Pay as You Go) PurchaseRecurring charge (based on term or usage rate)
Purchase Request
Recurring billing(fixed term/pay-as-you-go) User Information Screen "Purchase"
Recurring Billing (Fixed Term/Pay as You Go) UnsubscribingRecurring charge (based on term or usage rate)
Application Request
Recurring charge (based on term or usage rate)
Cancellation request
Recurring charge (based on term or usage rate)
User Information Screen

《WEB convenience store payment: One-time billing / Auto Close Authorization Capture Settlement・In the case of designated Settlement》

Provided functionsLink Type
Process name/Function ID
API Type
Process name/Function ID
Payment management tool
Screen name/Button name
PurchasePurchase Request
Deposit notificationPurchase Result CGI
Overdue payment cancellation notificationPurchase Result CGI

Debit/ Prepaid card usage
If an end user uses a debit card or Prepaid card to pay by credit card, there are some points to note:

  • The amount will be debited from your account immediately upon Authorization.
  • If there is a period of 30 days or more between the time of Authorization and the time of Settlement confirmation (the period varies depending on the card issuer), Authorization amount may be automatically Refund to the user's account.
  • After Refund to the end user's account, Settlement confirmation at merchant may result in a chargeback to merchant if the account cannot be debited.

Introduction of WEB convenience store payment only
If you want to introduce only WEB convenience store payment, it is a condition for introduction that a payment methods other than Recruit Kantan Payment is introduced.

Stamp fee for WEB convenience store payment
If the Payment amount is 50,000 yen or more when using WEB convenience store payment, a separate stamp fee is required as stipulated by the Stamp Tax Act. The stamp fee will be offset against Item purchase price.

Required information when paying at a convenience store
After Payment completed, the end user will need the following information when making the payment at a convenience store:
※Payment procedures at convenience stores:

Convenience storeRequired InformationConvenience storeRequired Information
Seven-ElevenPayment slip numberFamilyMartCompany Code Order Number
LAWSONAcceptance number Confirmation numberMINISTOPAcceptance number Confirmation number
Daily YamazakiOn-line payment numberSeicomartAcceptance number Phone number (the number entered at the time of Payment)

Refund for online convenience store payments
When using online convenience store payments, Refund cannot be made after Credit at a convenience store. Therefore, if Refund is required, merchant must Refund amount directly to the end user. However, when using points in conjunction with Payment, the points used can be returned (returned to the end user) through Recruit. To return points, this is an offline process, so please contact SBPS Merchant Support. The process is as follows:

"WEB CVS Payment Refund and Return Point Flow"
1) merchant contacts SBPS Merchant Support
② SBPS Merchant Support will send the "Cancellation Request Form" to merchant
3) merchant must fill out a cancellation request form and submit it to SBPS Merchant Support
④SBPS requests cancellation from Recruit (requests points return)
⑤After the points are returned by Recruit, SBPS Merchant Support will contact merchant to complete the process.
※ We will inform you of the breakdown of combined payments (amount used for points and amount used at the convenience store online).
Refund for online convenience store purchases will be made to end users by merchant

Settlement Rules

It differs from other payment methods in some ways. Please note the following differences:

(1) About the detailed statement of collections
In addition to the regular payment statement, we will issue a detailed payment statement (detailed version) that describes each payment method of Recruit Kantan Payment and the actual amount of points used and awarded. Note that in other payment methods, the Credit amount will be shown on the regular receipt statement, but in the case of Recruit Kantan Payment, the Credit amount will also be shown on the detailed statement.
The cost items and a sample of the detailed collection statement are as follows:

<<Expense items in the detailed statement of collection>>>

Expense itemsDescription
Credit card WEB Convenience storePayment feeThis is the fee for using each payment method. ※In the case of online convenience store payment, it will be displayed as transaction fee.
Payment service feeCommission for using the Online Payment ASP Service.
Transaction feeA fee for the system processing.
pointPayment service feeThis is our system fee for using points.
couponPayment service feeThis is our system fee for using the coupon.
R couponPayment service feeThis is our system fee for using R coupons.
Recruit Kantan Payment System Usage FeeThis is the fee for using points and R coupons.
Points awardedThis is the fee for awarding points.

《Sample of detailed storage statement》

Points to note:

  • In the case of a transfer from the Company to merchant, if multiple payment methods are used, Recruit Kantan Payment / Credit will be made separately from other payment methods (two Credit will be made on the payment day at the end of the month).
  • The creditor-payer relationship regarding point redemption/grant, coupon usage fees, etc. will be between merchant and Recruit.
  • If Refund occurs, Refund amount and Refund fee will be deducted from the payment for the month in which the refund occurred. The points used when purchasing the Item and the amount equivalent to the points awarded will also be Refund.
  • The detailed statement of collections will be sent separately from the regular statement of collections, and will be sent by the 10th business day of the month following the month in which Settlement were confirmed. However, when using the online convenience store payment, only the detailed statement will be sent by the 21st of the following month.
  • In the event that the Payment fee cannot be deducted for each payment method and point settlement of each Recruit Kantan Payment method, we will issue an invoice by the last day of the month following the month in which Settlement is confirmed. Please pay by the end of the second month following the confirmed month (the end of the month following receipt of the invoice). If you are unable to pay by the specified date, Recruit will charge you for the system usage fee and the amount of points awarded. Please check the invoice with the sample below.

<Sample of invoice>

Unauthorized Usage Investigations and Chargebacks
In cases where an end user reports a defective Item or a transaction that they do not remember, or where they suspect a third party has made a fraudulent use, Recruit may investigate the fraudulent use and issue a chargeback (refusal to purchase the credit). If Recruit contacts us, we will promptly inform merchant of the situation, so please respond according to the information we receive. If a chargeback is confirmed, the Settlement amount will not be subject to settlement and will be borne by merchant. For more information, please refer to the Important Information Document provided at the time of application.
Please note that in the event of a chargeback, Recruit will be responsible for the amount equivalent to the Points exercised by the End User, and merchant will be responsible for the source of the Points awarded to the purchased Item. The amount Credit Card Payment will be contacted by the credit card company via our company.

Recruit Kantan Payment provides the services provided by Recruit embedded in Online Payment ASP Service. Please note that if Recruit changes its specifications or economic conditions, the specifications of the Recruit Kantan Payment provided by the Company may also change accordingly.

Service Suspension Due to Maintenance, etc.
Maintenance of the Online Payment ASP Service is performed on an irregular basis. Any service suspension due to maintenance will be notified in advance. As a rule, such a notification is made 1 week before the suspension. However, this may not be the case in the event of emergency maintenance.
In addition, if a service outage occurs due to system maintenance or a malfunction of Recruit or a Recruit partner other than our system, we will notify merchant as soon as we become aware of the situation and investigate the cause. We will notify merchant as soon as the cause is identified, but please note that if the cause is not attributable to our company, it may take some time to identify the cause.

No supplementary information available.

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