Developer/Connection method/API Type/One-time Token System

One-time Token System

Online Payment ASP's One-time token is to convert the credit Credit card information entered by the end user into a One-time token (another Character string) before performing the Payment. merchant can be Payment without holding credit Credit card information by incorporating the JavaScript of the One-time token we provide into the merchant website.

Usage Overview

Available Payment Methods

Credit Card Payment

The flow of the One-time token acquisition to Payment request (One-time token usage) API is as follows. For details on the flow of Payment after acquiring an One-time token, please refer to the API-type System Specification (Basic Specification).

The interfaces of the One-time token system are as follows: Note that the format is the same as API type XML. For details, refer to the API-type System Specification (Basic Specifications).

Function namecom_sbps_system.generateToken
DestinationTo be informed when the service starts
Object/function name Field name Description Remarks
tokenRequestToken requestAn object that specifies the properties required to generate a One-time token.Set the Credit card information obtained by merchant website
callbackCallbackOne-time Functions to call back after acquiring a token

One-time Token Request

About ≪ type≫ 9: Numeric type (0~9 in 1Byte), X: Half-width Character string, M: Multibyte Character string (BASE64 encoding required)

SEQ Tag element name Field name Chars Format Req'd Type Description Remarks
1merchantIdMerchant ID59FixedID for identifying the merchantSpecified by SBPS
2serviceIdService ID39FixedID for identifying the merchant's serviceSpecified by SBPS
3ccNumberCredit card number169Var.0 to 99999999999999999 (no hyphens)
4ccExpirationExpiration date69FixedYYYYMM
5securityCodeSecurity code49Fixed3 or 4 digits [0-9]If you want to use it, please check the input with merchant.
Object/function name Field name Description Remarks
responseResponse resultOne-time Token Information Result ObjectReturn the One-time token information generated by our company

Response Result (Success)

About ≪ type≫ 9: Numeric type (0~9 in 1Byte), X: Half-width Character string, M: Multibyte Character string (BASE64 encoding required)

SEQ Tag element name Field name Chars Format Req'd Type Description Remarks
1resultResult status2XFixedOK: Request processing OK
2tokenResponseToken ResponseVar.One-time Token Information Result Object
4tokenKeyToken keyXVar.
5maskedCcNumberCredit card number16XVar.
6ccExpirationExpiration date of the credit card6FixedCredit card expiration date sent
7cardBrandCodeCard company brand code1XFixedCredit card company brand code
J: JCB brand
V: Visa brand
M: Master Brand
A: AMEX brand
D: Diners brand
X: Other

Response Result (Error)

About ≪ type≫ 9: Numeric type (0~9 in 1Byte), X: Half-width Character string, M: Multibyte Character string (BASE64 encoding required)

SEQ Tag element name Field name Chars Format Req'd Type Description Remarks
1resultResult status2XFixedNG: Request processing NG
2errorCodeError code5XFixedSee list of error codes

The error code system to be returned is shown below.

Digits 1-2: Represent a type. (2-digit fixed length alphanumeric characters)
Digits 3-5: Represent a field. (3-digit fixed length alphanumeric characters)

Type of Codes

Code Type Description
Errors related to request information
03Required field errorNo value is specified in a required field.
04Attribute errorAllowed character attribute error
05Number of digits errorOutside of the allowable number of digits (bytes)
07Defined value errorA value other than the defined values is specified.
Error which occurs on the server
99System errorAn internal processing error occurred.

Field Codes

Code Type Description
Credit Credit card information One-time Token Generation
001Merchant ID
002Service ID
003Credit card number
004Expiration date of the credit card
005Security code

The image at the time of acquiring the One-time token is as follows.

HTML & JavaScript
                     <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0.1//EN" ""> 	 
<html lang="ja"> 
    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> 
    <script type="text/javascript"> 	    上記URLはサンプルとなります。 
    <!-- 	                            サービス開始時に別途ご案内いたします     
    function doSubmit(){ 
        // トークン生成ロジック呼び出し 
            merchantId : document.getElementById('merchant_id').value,
            serviceId : document.getElementById('service_id').value,
            ccNumber : document.getElementById('cc_number').value,
            ccExpiration : document.getElementById('cc_expiration').value,
            securityCode : document.getElementById('security_code').value 
        }, afterGenerateToken); 
    var afterGenerateToken = function(response) {
        if (response.result == "OK") {
            document.getElementById('token').value = response.tokenResponse.token;             
            document.getElementById('tokenKey').value = response.tokenResponse.tokenKey; 
            document.getElementById('cardBrandCode').value = response.tokenResponse.cardBrandCode; 
            // マスクされた番号で上書き 
            document.getElementById('cc_number').value = response.tokenResponse.maskedCcNumber; 
            // カード情報のクリア 
            document.getElementById('cc_expiration').value = '';             
            document.getElementById('security_code').value = ''; 
            } else { 
        } else { 
    // --> 
    <form name="frm" id="frm" method="POST" action="Confirm.jsp"> 
        <dd><input type="text" id="merchant_id" name="merchant_id" maxlength="5" value="12345"></dd> 
        <dd><input type="text" id="service_id" name="service_id" maxlength="3" value="001"></dd> 
        <dd><input type="text" id="cc_number" name="cc_number" maxlength="16" value="4111111111111111"></dd> 
        <dd><input type="text" id="cc_expiration" name="cc_expiration" maxlength="6" value="202212"></dd> 
        <dd><input type="text" id="security_code" name="security_code" maxlength="4" value="1234"></dd> 
        <dd><input type="text" id="token" name="token" value="" disabled></dd>  
        <dd><input type="text" id="tokenKey" name="tokenKey" value="" disabled></dd>  
        <dd><input type="text" id="cardBrandCode" name="cardBrandCode" value="test" disabled></dd> 
            <input type="button" name="btnSend" id="btnSend" value="送信" onClick="doSubmit()">             <input type="reset" name="btnReset" id="btnReset" value="リセット"> 

One-time Token lifetime
Since it will not be available after a certain period of time has elapsed since the One-time token issuance, it is recommended to obtain a One-time token just before requesting Payment. If it becomes unusable, please obtain it again.

About Browser Settings
This document assumes that you are using a JavaScript-enabled browser. Operation is not guaranteed for environments in which JavaScript does not function.

Available Encryption Protocols
Due to the regulations of PCI DSS (which SBPS complies with), SSL 3.0 and TLS 1.0 cannot be used.
In addition, there is a high possibility that the use of TLS 1.1 will be prohibited in the future because its vulnerabilities as an encryption method have been disclosed. Therefore, Merchants shall use TLS 1.2.

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